ד"ר אלישבע מכליס
קורות חיים
2015-2016: Post-Doc, Hebrew University Truman Institute
2010-2012: Post-Doc, Tel Aviv University Center for Iranian Studies
2010: PhD, University of Cambridge, Middle East Studies
1998: MA, Tel Aviv University, Middle East Studies
1992: BA, Hebrew University, Middle East Studies + Political Science
פרסים ומלגות:
2015-2016: Truman Institute for Peace Studies, Hebrew University, Post-doc fellowship
2010-2012: Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Post-doc fellowship
2007-2009: ORS – Overseas Rewards Scheme UK, PhD programme
1996: Tel Aviv University School of History, Aran grant for outstanding MA students of History
תפקידים אקדמיים נוספים:
2016-2019: The Truman Center for Peace Studies, Hebrew University, Research-Fellow
2013-2019: Tel Aviv University, Shi‘i World, Modern Islam, Teaching Fellow
2013-2015:The Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Research-Fellow
2013-2014: The Levzion Center for Islamic Studies, Hebrew University, Research-Fellow, Head of
Research Group on Sufism in Modern Times
התמחות באיראן ובעיראק (פוליטיקה, דת וחברה), השיעה בעת החדשה, אסלאם מודרני.
Elisheva Machlis, Shi'i Sectarianism in the Middle East: Modernisation and the Quest for Islamic Universalism (London: I.B. Tauris, 2014), 316pp.
Elisheva Machlis, “The Arab State between Sectarianism, Nationalism and Islamism”, Inglorious Revolution (Dayan Center, 2014), pp. 41-57.
Elisheva Machlis, “Revolution in Shi‘ism” in Meir Bar Asher and Meir Hatina (eds.) Islam: History, Religion and Culture (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2017), [Hebrew], pp. 574-593.
Elisheva Machlis, “A Shi‘i Economic Model: From Baqir al-Sadr to Contemporary Iraq”, Béatrice Hendrich (ed.) Muslims and Capitalism: An Uneasy Relationship (Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2018), pp. 191-206.
“Kashif Ghita Muhammad Husain, Al (family), Encyclopaedia of Islam III, 2019.
Elisheva Machlis, “The Cross-Sectarian Call for Islam: A Sample of Shi'a Reformist Thought”, Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies, 2:2 (2009), pp. 195-219.
Elisheva Machlis, “Shi‘ism in the Modern World: Sectarian Identity and a Universal and Enlightened Islam”, History 27 (Dec., 2011), pp. 29-60 [Hebrew].
Elisheva Machlis, “A Shi'a Debate on Arabism: The Emergence of a Multiple Communal Membership”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 40:2 (June 2013), pp. 95-114.
Elisheva Machlis, “Shiʿism, Culture and Group Membership Amidst Social Change”, Bustan: The Middle East Book Review 4 (2013) pp.1–16.
Elisheva Machlis, “Ali Shari'ati and the Notion of Tawhid: Re-exploring the Question of God's Unity”, Die Welt des Islams 54:2 (2014), pp. 183-211.
Elisheva Machlis, “The Islamic Republic: A Bastion of Stability in the Region?”, Middle East Critique 25:4 (2016), pp. 341-363.
Elisheva Machlis, “Al-Wefaq and the February 14 Uprising: Islam, Nationalism and Democracy—the Shi‘i-Bahraini Discourse”, Middle Eastern Studies 52:6 (2016), pp. 978-995.
Elisheva Machlis, “Reevaluating Sectarianism in Light of Sufi Islam the Case-Studies of the Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya in Syria and Iraq”, Sociology of Islam 7 (2019), pp. 1-21.
Elisheva Machlis, “Stars in her Eyes: The Radiance of Persian Literature”, Women: A Cultural Review, 20:1 (2009), pp. 103-105.
Elisheva Machlis, "Iran's Spin on the Arab Spring," Iran Pulse, No.46 (November 13, 2011).
Elisheva Machlis, “Book Review”: Post-Saddam Iraq: New Realities, Old Identities, Changing: Patterns, Amnon Cohen and Noga Efrati (eds.), Hamizrah Hahadash: The New East 51 (2012), pp. 229-232 [Hebrew].
Elisheva Machlis, “Iraqi Shi'i Politics in the Wake of ISIS”, Tel Aviv Notes 8:14
(Dayan Center, July 27,2014), pp.1-6.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 20/06/2022